Blog Post

Workforce Development Month: Work in a Virtual World

Colorado is celebrating Workforce Development Month throughout September. This week’s topic, “Work in a Virtual World,” highlights the ways in which the world of work has shifted due to the pandemic as Colorado workers, job seekers, and employers have transitioned to working remotely.

SYC Tech Bridge Grants: Impact Stories

In June the Colorado State Youth Council (SYC) awarded six organizations with Tech Bridge grants to address the growing technology divide that hinders Colorado youth from accessing career and education opportunities. Since receiving funding, the various organizations have helped increase access to technology for youth across the state through a variety of innovative projects. 

September is Workforce Development Month

Workforce Development Month kicks off on Sept. 1. This nationwide awareness month, held annually in September, recognizes the contributions of workforce professionals and highlights events and initiatives that support job seekers and employers. 

My Colorado Journey Helps Job Seekers Navigate Colorado Applies Month

My Colorado Journey will help individuals navigate Colorado Applies Month. This groundbreaking, statewide platform connects individuals to work, education, and support services exploration and action planning. Bringing together the best state agency tools and activities in one central location, the platform reduces duplication and saves taxpayers money.

Talent Equity Agenda Open for Public Comment

The CWDC has released a draft of Colorado’s 2020-2021 Talent Equity Agenda for public comment. The agenda is focused on targeting resources, focusing efforts, and measuring progress to decrease racial disparities in how our talent ecosystem educates, trains, hires, and advances our workforce. 

Work-based Learning Incubator Launches for K-12 Professionals

In partnership with the CDE Office of Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness, the CWDC is excited to launch the Work-based Learning Incubator taking place from September 2020 through June 2021. The incubator is designed to support the development of work-based learning programs in Colorado schools and school districts.

Welcome Operations Coordinator Gwen Carter

The CWDC is excited to welcome Gwen Carter to the team as the new operations coordinator. In her role, Gwen will manage all internal and external operations functions of the CWDC.

Colorado’s High Quality IRAP Framework

The CWDC worked with state agency partners from CDLE, CDHE, and CCCS to publish Colorado’s High Quality IRAP Framework. The framework details quality standards for Industry Recognized Apprenticeships Programs (IRAPs) as they take hold in Colorado.

Reenvisioning Retail 2020 Recap

On July 23-24, the CWDC hosted the Reenvisioning Retail 2020 conference for more than 150 individuals from business, education, workforce, community-based organizations, and more.