Colorado continues to experience more jobs than available workers. This is especially challenging in hard-to-fill, critical positions necessary for business growth. Meeting this demand requires new ways of partnering across employers, education, workforce development and economic development to address talent gaps. Below are resources from available from the State of Colorado to support employers with partnering to develop, find, train, and retain talent and maintain a competitive edge.
Co-Development with Community Partners
Partner with others in your sector to address your shared needs: Launch or Join a Sector Partnership, Skill Advance Colorado, Opportunity Now, Workforce Business Services Representatives, Review the Talent Development Playbook
Shape your future workforce by partnering with K-12 schools: Partner with a Career/Tech Ed Program, Create a Work-Based Learning Opportunity, Launch a Youth Apprenticeship, Launch a PTech Program, Hire Teacher Externs, Engage in Sector Partnerships
Learn how to launch an apprenticeship or work-based learning experience: Apprenticeship Colorado, K-12 Work-Based Learning Coordinators, Career and Technical Education (CTE)
Adopt skills-based hiring and advancement approaches: SBHA Training
Promote career pathways in your industry: MyColoradoJourney, Stackable Pathway in Behavioral Health, Cybersecurity, Healthcare, Software Developer
Serve on a local workforce development board to advise on how public resources can better support business needs
Find and Retain Talent
Contact a local workforce development center to get help with job postings, hiring fairs, and candidate screening
Explore Career and Technical Student Organizations/CTE Programs
Learn more about Colorado’s innovative hiring and recruiting tool: Connecting Colorado
Find our network of Community Colleges and Public Universities
Hire individuals with disabilities [Learn more about reasonable accommodations]
Find out more about Colorado’s Talent Development Network: TalentFOUND
Grow and Compete
Access business and labor market information to see how your jobs
compare with local competitorsComplete a job quality assessment to help hire and retain talent
Resources for small businesses: Colorado Startup Loan Fund
Resources for women- and minority-owned businesses
Resources for agricultural businesses
Supply Chain Management
Access the Statewide Minority Business Directory
Utilize the Small Business Navigator
Establish and run a supplier diversity program
Benefits and Support for Employees
Offer retirement benefits through the Secure Savings Program
Seek assistance through Colorado Crisis Services
Get guidance on responding to mental and behavioral health needs