CWDC Office Staff

Led by the Managing Director, the CWDC Office is composed of the Projects team, Communications & Collaboration team, and Operations & Compliance team.

Projects Team: Sector Partnerships Career Pathways Networks Stimulus

Communications & Collaboration Team: Communications Collaboration

Operations & Compliance Team: Operations Compliance

Managing Director

As the Managing Director of the Colorado Workforce Development Council Office, Lee has oversight of all of CWDC's work and manages the execution of strategies to develop and sustain an industry-led talent development system in Colorado.

Projects Team

The Projects team, led by Renise Walker, is responsible for ensuring alignment and collaboration across the talent development network and advancing systems innovation strategies to improve outcomes for learners, workers, and employers. This work is carried out through key strategies including sector partnerships, career pathways, job quality and equity, and stimulus funding to incentivize innovation. 

Sector Partnerships & Industry Engagement

The Sector Partnerships & Industry Engagement team, led by Bobbie Wolfe, is responsible for implementing the guidance of the Sectors Steering Committee and ensures that deep and meaningful industry engagement is occurring through regional sector partnerships and industry-led talent development efforts across Colorado.

Career Pathways

The Career Pathways team, led by Thomas Hartman, implements HB15-1274 and is responsible for the development and deployment of career pathways in in-demand industries in collaboration with the Community College System and other state agencies and industry partners. This team also manages projects for CWDC initiatives and maintains career pathway tools and resources.


The Networks team effectively manages projects and develops innovative resources per CWDC’s strategic vision. Bodies of work include postsecondary and workforce readiness (PWR), advancing job quality and quality non-degree credentialing, and championing the adoption of innovative talent finance solutions.


The Stimulus team, led by Bob Brasser, is responsible for managing CWDC’s implementation of the Statewide Initiatives portion of the Workforce Innovation Act funds allocated under HB21-1264. The funds are used to promote innovation and improve outcomes for learners, workers, and employers economically impacted by COVID-19.

Communications & Collaboration

Britta Blodgett leads the communications and collaboration teams.


The Communications team is in charge of coordinating communications internally and externally by informing partners about the work being carried out by the CWDC, as well as designing strategic communications to drive awareness of and engagement with the resources of the talent development network.


The Collaboration team convenes and drives strategic alignment across collaborative groups and initiatives. Among other projects, this team develops and shares the annual Talent Pipeline Report, oversees the constant improvement and effectiveness of the state’s My Colorado Journey platform, and manages the Colorado Data Trust.

Operations & Compliance

Lee Wheeler-Berliner oversees the operations and compliance teams.


The Operations team, led by Jack Hansell, is responsible for the efficient operations of the CWDC Office and is tasked with overseeing the budget, coordinating team projects and grant opportunities, and managing business priorities.

Compliance & Quality Assurance

The Compliance and Quality Assurance team, ensures that all State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) are in compliance with all applicable federal and state requirements.