As an Administrative Assistant, Katalina provides support to the operations of the Colorado Workforce Development Council. Katalina is bilingual and brings a wide range of experience with her. Previously, she worked in the non-profit sector serving the community as a community coordinator at Denver Metro Community Impact, facilitating community conversations to lead the backbone efforts with the collective impact framework to advance equity and generational success by elevating the voices of the systematically oppressed, through the facilitation of organizational collective action.
Just to name a few other previous roles, Katalina’s experience includes legislative aid fellow to the office of Representative Herod, data entry clerk at the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce, temporary aid for the Colorado Workforce Development Council, legal office intern at the Denver District Attorney and Justice and Mercy Legal Aid Clinic, and affiliations with the State Youth Council, Young Invincibles, and CrossPurpose. Katalina holds a certificate in Legal office from Emily Griffith Technical College, an associate's Degree in Communications from Community College of Denver, and is pursuing a double major in Public Administration and Anthropology at the University of Colorado Denver. You can catch Katalina outdoors, exploring her native state of Colorado - discovering hot springs.