April 28, 2021 - Thank you to the employers, workers, public partners, and others from across Colorado who joined us for Reenvisioning Retail 2021. We are inspired by the innovation happening within the retail industry and are excited to continue building on the conversations that took place during the convening.
Session recordings and slide decks from the event are available on the event webpage. The event program and resource guide is also available on the event webpage in English and Spanish.
Get Involved!
Now that you’ve engaged virtually at Reenvisioning Retail 2021, we encourage you to utilize and spread the word about the free Lives Empowered resources. This includes online training through the Lives Empowered Training Academy that provides industry-recognized credentials (developed by the National Retail Federation) to strengthen the essential skills of frontline workers. There are also several other new opportunities for engagement. Check out the opportunities below and contact lives_empowered@state.co.us if you have questions about getting involved.
Career Navigation Pilot
Career navigation is not one size fits all. A new coaching opportunity on how to support employees’ career development and advancement is opening applications for participation on April 29. Additional information will be posted on the Lives Empowered webpage and sent via email on April 29. Learn more about the opportunity and share this flyer with the businesses in your network. Contact bobbie.wolfe@state.co.us with any questions.
Bridging The Talent Gap
The Bridging the Talent Gap employer survey will launch on May 1. The survey is being administered to employers statewide to better understand perceptions of the hiring environment, skill gaps, and existing opportunities for reskilling and upskilling. This survey gives employers a chance to communicate their talent development needs, and all results will be available on a public dashboard that employers can use for their own decision-making. There is also an employee survey that employers can administer to understand worker needs. Learn more and sign up to get more information and a link to the survey once it opens. Contact kathleen.zaback@state.co.us with questions.
Skillful Talent Series
Skills-based hiring can help reduce biases in hiring procedures and strengthen your talent pipeline with more diverse, qualified candidates. Skillful Colorado offers training through the Skillful Talent Series to help organizations transition to skills-based employment practices. If you are an employer looking to make this transition and participate in the Skillful Talent Series:
- Visit training.skillful.com
- Create a new account
- Enter the code ECOCWDC21PARTN in the Affiliate Code box for a discounted price.
The online learning program will help you learn more about skills-based hiring and how to implement skills-based employment practices in your business.