The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) was signed into law on July 22, 2014. WIOA is designed to help job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market and to match employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy.
WIOA calls for strong alignment between the partners and operators of programs throughout the workforce system. As designated in the legislation, the CWDC has primary responsibility for ensuring that alignment takes place through the coordination of the state plan and the development of strategies and guidance that promote the continuous improvement of Colorado's workforce system.
Our Progress
Take a moment to see what the Colorado public workforce system has accomplished since 2010.
- Annual Reports
PY2023 WIOA Annual Report
PY2022 WIOA Annual Report
PY2021 WIOA Annual Report
PY2020 WIOA Annual Report
PY2019 WIOA Annual Report
PY2018 WIOA Annual Report
PY2017 WIOA Annual Report
PY2016 WIOA Annual Report
PY2015 WIOA Annual Report
PY2014 Workforce Investment Act Annual Report
PY2013 Workforce Investment Act Annual Report
PY2012 Workforce Investment Act Annual Report
PY2011 Workforce Investment Act Annual Report
PY2010 Workforce Investment Act Annual Report
WIOA State Plan
Development of Colorado's WIOA State Plan is a required function of the CWDC in collaboration with network partners.