Current Legislation

The CWDC, along with partners on the Policy and Legislation Task Force, are tracking workforce-related legislation during the 2024 session of the Colorado legislature.

View the 2024 Legislative Session Bill Tracker

Past Legislation Related to Talent Development

The below list includes legislation since 2015 related to talent development in Colorado. Learn more about recently passed legislation for additional details about the implementation status of the talent development legislation. This information is provided by the Colorado Workforce Development Council through a cross-agency policy and legislative working group.


HB23-1001 - Expanding Assistance For Educator Programs

HB23-1030 - Prohibit Direct-hire Fee Health-care Staff Agency

HB23-1037 - Department Of Corrections Earned Time For College Program Completion

HB23-1045 - Employee Leave For Colorado National Guard Service

HB23-1064 - Interstate Teacher Mobility Compact

HB23-1072 - Civil Defense Worker Compensation

HB23-1074 - Study Workforce Transitions To Other Industries

HB23-1094 - Extend Agricultural Workforce Development Program

HB23-1153 - Pathways To Behavioral Health Care

HB23-1196 - Remedies At Law For Violating Colorado Youth Act

HB23-1212 - Promotion Of Apprenticeships

HB23-1246 - Support In-demand Career Workforce

HB23-1247 - Assess Advanced Energy Solutions In Rural Colorado

HB23-1252 - Thermal Energy will be in the Senate Transportation & Energy

HB23-1262 - Colorado Re-engaged Initiative Modifications

HJR23-1015 - United States Space Command

SB23-004 - Employment of School Mental Health Professionals

SB23-005 - Forestry And Wildfire Mitigation Workforce

SB23-006 - Creation Of The Rural Opportunity Office

SB23-007 - Adult Education

SB23-008 - Youth Involvement Education Standards Review

SB23-017 - Additional Uses Paid Sick Leave

SB23-044 - Veterinary Education Loan Repayment Program

SB23-048 - Non-tenured Track Faculty

SB23-046 - Average Weekly Wage Paid Leave Benefits

SB23-051 - Conforming Workforce Development Statutes

SB23-053 - Restrict Governmental Nondisclosure Agreements

SB23-058 - Job Application Fairness Act

SB23-067 - Participant Facilitated Recidivism Reduction Program

SB23-083 - Physician Assistant Collaboration Requirements

SB23-086 - Student Leaders Institute

SB23-087 - Teacher Degree Apprenticeship Program

SB23-102 - Rule Review Bill

SB23-105 - Ensure Equal Pay For Equal Work

SB23-111 - Public Employees' Workplace Protection

SB23-137 - Transfer to Colorado Economic Development Fund

SB23-146 - Colorado Apprenticeship Directory Information

SB23-172 - Protecting Opportunities And Workers' Rights Act

SB23-180 - Restore Current Pay Periods For State Employees

SB23-205 - Universal High School Scholarship Program

SB23-220 - Public School Capital Construction Assistance Grants

SB23-216 - Colorado Universal Preschool Program Funding

SB23-231 - Amend Fund To Allow Payment Overdue Wage Claims

SB23-232 - Unemployment Insurance Premiums Allocation Federal Law Compliance

SB23-233 - Employment Services Funded By Wagner-Peyser Act

SB23-258 - Consolidate Colorado Educator Programs In Colorado Department of Education

SB23-261 - Direct Care Workforce Stabilization Board


HB22-1107 - Inclusive Higher Education Opportunities

HB22-1192 - Displaced Workers Grant Appropriation

HB22-1215 - Study Of Expanding Extended High School Programs

HB22-1230 - Employment Support And Job Retention Services

HB22-1255 - Improve Higher Education For Students With A Disability

HB22-1259 - Modifications To Colorado Works Program

HB22-1310 - 529 Account Apprenticeship Expenses

HB22-1349 - Postsecondary Student Success Data System

HB22-1350 - Regional Talent Development Initiative Grant Program

SB22-140 - Expansion Of Experiential Learning Opportunities

SB22-165 - Colorado Career Advisor Training Program

SB22-008 - Higher Education Support for Foster Youth

SB22-116 - Increase Occupational Credential Portability

SB22-181 - Behavioral Health-care Workforce

SB22-192 - Opportunities For Credential Attainment


HB21-1007: State Apprenticeship Agency

HB21-1264: Funds Workforce Development Increase Worker Skills

HB21-1270: Appropriation To Department Of Human Services For Supplemental
Nutrition Assistance Program

HB21-1289: Funding for Broadband Deployment

HB21-1304: Early Childhood Agency System

HB21-1330: Higher Education Student Success

SB21-232: Displaced Workers Grant


HB20-1002: College Credit for Work Experience

HB20-1396: CWDC Implementation of an Online Career Platform


HB19-1025: Limits on Job Applicant Criminal History Inquiries 

HB19-1107: Employment Support Job Retention Services Program 

HB19-1187: Increase Student Aid Application Completion Rates 

HB19-1236: Workforce Diploma Pilot Program

HB19-1294: Transfer Apprenticeship Credit to College Credit

SB19-171: Apprenticeships and Vocational Technical Training 

SB19-176: Expanding Concurrent Enrollment Opportunities

SB19-216: High School Innovative Learning Pilot 


HB18-1316  Extend Colorado Department Of Labor And Employment Skilled Worker, Outreach, Recruitment, and Key Training Grant Program (WORK Act) - see HB15-1276

HB18-1334  Extend Transitional Jobs Program (CDHS)

HB18-1343  Veterans' Service-to-career Program 


HB17-1003 Strategic plan to address teacher shortage 

HB17-1184 Modern Technology Education in Public Schools

SB17-292 Colorado Works Employment Opportunities With Wages 


HB 16-1073 Electrical Industry Safety And Training Act

HB 16-1103 Clarifying License Pathways for Mental Health Workforce

HB16-1114 Repeal Duplicate Reporting Requirements for Employers

HB16-1142 Rural & Frontier Health Care Preceptor Tax Credit

HB16-1197 Military Veteran Occupational Credentials

HB16-1198 Computer Courses Fulfill Graduation Requirements 

HB16-1267 Colorado Veterans' Service-To-Career Pilot Program

HB16-1287 CDLE Pre-apprenticeship & Apprenticeship Study [WP]

HB16-1288 Industry Infrastructure Grant Program [WP]

HB16-1289 Incentives To Complete Career Development Courses -- Career Success Pilot Program [WP]

HB16-1290 Extend (Rehire Colorado) Transitional Jobs Program

HB16-1302 Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act [WP]

SB16-077 Employment First For Persons With Disabilities 

SB16-134  Professional Licensing For Military Veterans

HB16-1034  Emergency Medical Responder Registration

SB16-104 Recruitment and Retention of Teachers in Rural Areas

HB16-1082 Area Vocational Schools to Technical Colleges

HB16-1048 Business Enterprise Program for Blind Entrepreneurs

HB16-1100 Tuition Status for Unaccompanied Youth

HB16-1423 Student Data and Education System

SB16-093 Transfer State Independent Living Facilities to CDLE 

SB16-179 Unemployment Insurance Classification 

HB16-1386 Necessary Document Program


HB15-1030 Employment Services for Veterans Pilot Program

HB15-1170 Increasing Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness [WP]

HB15-1230 Creation of Innovative Industries Workforce Development Program - [WP]

HB15-1270 Authorization for Local Education Providers to Operate Pathways in Technology Early College High Schools [WP]

HB15-1271 Funding of Mobile Learning Labs through the Colorado Existing Industries Training Program

HB15-1274 Creation of Career Pathways for Students for Critical Occupations in Growing Industries [WP]

HB15-1275 Measures to Support Concurrent Enrollment in Career and Technical Education Programs [WP]

HB15-1276 Skilled Worker Outreach, Recruitment, and Key Training Act -- the WORK Act [WP]

SB15-082 Authority of Counties to Establish a County Workforce Development Program

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