Upcoming Workforce Training Grant Opportunity for Nonprofits

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June 6, 2023 - The CWDC will be providing grants from $30,000 and up to $300,000 in funding to 501(c)3 organizations to expand or launch training programs for workforce development. Organizations that have not received Coronavirus State Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) from the CWDC will be given preference, as will programs which help individuals acquire or move up within a Top Job as defined by the 2022 Talent Pipeline Report. Applicants providing training for the following industries will be awarded additional points:

  • Education
  • First responders (law enforcement, fire, and forestry) 
  • Construction trades
  • Advanced manufacturing
  • Nursing

Funds for the award are provided through HB21-1264. The CWDC has produced the following SLFRF Partnership Guide to prepare grantees with valuable information, best practices for record keeping, and helpful tips for managing grant requirements. Share with your network and sign up to receive a notification when funding is available.