Feb. 1, 2023 - We are excited to share that Results for America (RFA) officially released its Job Quality Playbook on Jan. 24. The playbook is a practical guide for workforce development and economic development leaders to make gains in job quality. Quality jobs are critical for worker mobility, stability, and wellbeing, and employers that create and provide good jobs have a competitive advantage in hiring and retaining qualified job seekers. Good jobs are the foundation of an equitable labor market and lead to community prosperity that aids economic growth.
The RFA Job Quality Playbook is an interactive site that allows users to explore the principles of job quality, including necessities, opportunities, and features. Within the main features of job quality – earnings, schedules, safety and security, purpose and meaning, environment and culture, benefits, learning and development, and voice and representation – the playbook outlines creative solutions that leaders can explore to enhance each feature.
Users can also explore job quality measurement tools and levers for change. The levers for change for each feature of a quality job are broken down into HR practices, procurement, policy, empowerment, and monitoring and enforcement. Those looking to improve job quality will find that RFA’s Job Quality Playbook allows you to chart a path forward by seeing examples of how other agencies across the country are defining what job quality means to their organizations.
If you would like more information about how to use the Job Quality Playbook, or how to participate in CWDC’s Good Job Pilot to help improve job quality, please reach out to CWDC Employer Coach Erin Young at erin.young@state.co.us.