July 27, 2020 - The Colorado 2020-2023 WIOA State Plan went into effect on July 1, 2020. The plan was submitted to the US Department of Labor at the end of February, and it underwent a public comment period earlier in 2020. The plan was approved by the CWDC at its January meeting after revisions were made, and it is now in effect through June 30, 2024.
The state plan is required to be submitted to the US Departments of Labor and Education under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. In addition to complying with federal law to ensure funds flow into Colorado, the state plan provides an opportunity for Colorado to establish a bold direction for our talent development network, outlining priorities and identifying avenues for partners to engage in order to achieve collective ambitions.
The TalentFOUND network supports the Governor’s goals by focusing on the following four priorities outlined in the state plan:
Goal A: Align state policies and flexible resources to ensure all Coloradans have equitable access to opportunities for quality, life-long education connected to the future of work.
Goal B: Increase the impact of the TalentFOUND network by attracting and supporting more individuals and businesses to utilize the available funding.
Goal C: Promote career nimbleness and agility for all Coloradans.
Goal D: Strengthen partnerships to address job quality as well as individual and community level issues impacting economic mobility