With the help of a career coach, Aaron* came to the Mile High Youth Corps (MHYC) program in October 2023 to engage in a work-based learning program that connects young adults ages 18 - 24 to learn and earn opportunities. It was there where he found a passion for conservation-based work focused on environmental improvements to public lands.
Aaron worked as part of a small crew with a Southern Front Range Land Conservation program aimed to increase accessibility for the public, restore native habitats, and mitigate the effects of catastrophic wildfires and floods. While earning a bi-weekly stipend, Aaron served his community and invested in his own personal growth by successfully earning his certifications in First Aid/CPR and S212 Wildland Fire Chainsaw.
Not only did Aaron continue to utilize his new-found skills and credentials, he worked with MHYC staff on building an effective resume and attended interview skills training classes.
Soon after Aaron went on to his next accomplishment, accepting a position as an arborist with All the Above Trees. Today, Aaron has found a pathway to a meaningful career and says he feels more confident in his ability to apply for and successfully obtain employment in an industry that he enjoys!
Thanks to grant money from the Coronavirus State Local Fiscal and Recovery Funds program, Aaron is one of nearly 2,000 Coloradans who have received career coaching services through the Career Coaching Collaborative, a state-wide program providing funding to hire career coaches for every local workforce area and grantees of community-based organizations, like the Mile High Youth Corps.
*Name has been changed to protect identifying information of the program participant.