A CWDC Champion: Sami Mooney

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Sami Mooney holds Souther Colorado 40 under 40 award in her hands


We are thrilled to celebrate Sami Mooney, education consultant for the Colorado Workforce Development Council, for being awarded the Southern Colorado 40 Under 40 honor. At just 28, Mooney has made remarkable strides in improving education systems across Colorado. Through her work, she ensures educational offerings align with workforce needs, helping students successfully navigate a variety of career paths. Her innovative approach has strengthened partnerships with leaders, administrators, teachers, and counselors to ensure state priorities align with industry needs.


“We are incredibly proud of Sami and her focus on community engagement—both professionally and personally,” said Jessica Maiorca, senior consultant for WIOA and Policy Innovation.


Beyond her role at the CWDC, Mooney is deeply dedicated to her community. As chair of the Board of Directors at Colorado Springs Council of Neighbors and Organizations (CONO), she plays a vital role in empowering neighborhoods and fostering civic engagement. Her leadership in enhancing vibrant communities and ensuring neighborhood voices are heard exemplifies her commitment to bettering Colorado Springs. Sami also serves as Vice President on the founding Next Generation Service Corps alumni board at Arizona State University and a member at large of the Homegrown Pathways Board of Directors focused on rural, youth-focused workforce and economic development in Colorado. 


Congratulations, Sami, on this well-deserved recognition!