The 2024-2027 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Combined State Plan has been approved by USDOL signaling the state’s commitment to increasing affordability, quality, equity, and access for all Coloradans. The State Plan as well as all Local and regional WIOA plans have been reviewed and go into effect July 1, 2024.
The four-year plan helps shape the strategic direction of workforce development in the state of Colorado and provides a comprehensive roadmap for driving workforce initiatives. Once drafted, the plans underwent a rigorous review process that began in September 2023, including evaluations from the Council members, the Governor’s Office, partner agencies, and a 30-day public comment period. USDOL’s approval is not just a routine step, it ensures federal funding amounting to millions of dollars to Colorado, which will be instrumental in driving the workforce initiatives for the next four years, and empowering the community through enhanced employment opportunities, skill development, and economic growth.
WIOA passed in 2014 and is designed to strengthen and enhance the nation's public workforce system and focuses on helping those facing significant barriers to employment, to secure high-quality jobs and careers. Additionally, WIOA aims to support employers in hiring and retaining skilled workers, fostering a dynamic and resilient workforce ecosystem.