2020 Talent Pipeline Report Released

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Dec. 9, 2020 - Yesterday, the CWDC released the seventh annual Colorado Talent Pipeline Report, which analyzes issues related to the supply and demand of talent in Colorado. The report offers a collection of strategies, investments, and policy recommendations in response to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Read the report

2020 Talent Pipeline Report cover

The 2020 Talent Pipeline report identifies:

  • leading industries and occupations, 
  • Top Jobs, 
  • key features of the current labor force,
  • COVID-19 impact and response, and
  • strategies to align supply with industry demand. 

In order to build back stronger from the pandemic, Colorado must focus on its talent pipeline in order to facilitate an equitable economic recovery that creates more opportunity for prosperity throughout the state.

Key data points from the 2020 Talent Pipeline Report

The data and recommendations provided in previous Talent Pipeline Reports have led to the Colorado State Legislature passing more than 50 bills to support talent development.

Thank you to our partners who helped create this year’s Talent Pipeline Report: the Colorado Departments of Higher Education, Education, Labor and Employment, and the Office of Economic Development and International Trade, as well as the Department of Human Services, Regulatory Agencies, the Office of State Planning and Budgeting, and the State Demography Office at the Department of Local Affairs, along with other partners.

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